What date is the event?

System C UserCon 2024 is taking place on Tuesday 7 May.

Where is the event?

The event is taking place at the ICC in Birmingham.

How do I register for an event?

To secure your place click on the “register” tab above and complete the online registration form.

How much does it cost to register for an event?

System C UserCon is free to our customers and will include lunch and refreshments. Travel expenses are paid for by the individual. Partners and suppliers will be contacted separately with attendance options.

After completing the registration, will I receive an email confirmation?
Yes. If you do not receive your email confirmation within 24 hours, please check your email spam folder and then contact our events team, events@systemc.com

When is the deadline for registration?

You may register at any time, up until the day of the live event.

Is there single-session registration available for the multi-day event?

No, you will need to register for the entire event, but you can then choose which sessions you would like to attend.

How are the event sessions formatted?

Formats vary. We will be regularly updating the agenda with further details as we approach the event.

Can you attend other divisions streams?

Yes, you are welcome to attend any session. We will be opening session registrations once the event is confirmed.

How do I get to the event venue ?

You can find further information on how to get to the ICC on the venue page.

What hotels do you suggest?

If you require an overnight stay you can utilise the ICC's recommended online HotelFinder service to help find the best local deal.

What is the dress code at these events?

The dress code at our events is business casual for all participants.  Meeting rooms can get chilly, so we recommend layers for your comfort.

What about accessibility and dietary requirements?

If you have any accessibility or dietary requirements you can let us know during the registration process. 

Will I be able to claim CPD for attending? 

Once we have the agenda confirmed we will be applying for certification. We will confirm if this will be available shortly.

Will there be networking opportunities at the event?

Networking is encouraged in sessions, coffee breaks in the exhibition hall and the drinks reception in the foyer.

What are the timings of System C UserCon?

Timings are subject to change - but the event will start no earlier than 09:00 and end no later than 18:00. Keep an eye on the agenda for more details.

How many can attend from our Local Authority or Trust?

There are currently no restrictions, however we may need to add limits if we approach capacity. 

I am with the media. Are complimentary media passes available?

Possibly. Please send an email to communications@systemc.com to enquire.

Who should I speak to about sponsorship opportunities?

Please email sponsorship enquiries to our Partnership Manager Caroline Smith, caroline.smith@systemc.com

Will any of System C UserCon be virtual?

System C UserCon 2024 will be an in-person only event. Sessions will not be available to watch live online.